The Best Traffic Bot, since 2008

#1 Traffic Bot

A traffic bot is a powerful and efficient tool to help businesses skyrocket their website traffic! Real Traffic Web Bot is designed to generate a tremendous amount of website traffic by emulating real human behavior, making it virtually indistinguishable from organic visitors.

Our most advanced Traffic Bot can generate quality website traffic from 213 countries and thousands of cities!

Google Ads Safe
Guaranteed Results in Google Analytics
Natural Looking Traffic
Money-Back Guarantee
Up to 10 million page views per day
6 000 page views per month, for FREE
24/7 Customer Support
200+ Countries

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a bot?

    In terms of website traffic, a bot refers to a software program that visits websites and engages with them automatically. Search engines like Google often use these bots to index web pages and gather data about websites. Bots can also be employed for tasks like monitoring website performance, checking for broken links, or analyzing website traffic patterns. They are crucial in optimizing websites for search engines and improving website visibility. In essence, bots generate organic and targeted website traffic, positively impacting their online presence.

  • What is a traffic bot?

    In terms of website traffic, a traffic bot is a software application designed to generate and simulate website visits. It mimics the behavior of real users by sending automated requests to a website, thereby creating the impression of increased traffic. Traffic bots can be used for various purposes, such as testing website performance, analyzing user behavior, or boosting website metrics. They can help website owners gauge how their site handles large volumes of traffic and identify areas for improvement.

  • How traffic bot differ from bot traffic?

    Bot traffic is website traffic created by traffic bots. A good traffic bot can generate visits and page views indistinguishable from real people.

  • Does bot traffic affect SEO?

    Yes! Many studies show that search engines consider website traffic metrics for ranking. Using the most advanced traffic bots to generate high-quality traffic is essential to achieve results in SEO.

What Is Real Web Traffic Bot?

Impressive website traffic metrics mean your website resonates with visitors, captures their attention, and compels them to stay longer and explore further. These positive interactions are a testament to the exceptional user experience you have created, the captivating content you have produced, and the seamless navigation you have designed. It reflects your expertise in search engine optimization (SEO), as you have successfully attracted more organic traffic and improved your search rankings.


Improve User Engagement

An increased average engagement time in Google Analytics demonstrates your website's ability to captivate and engage your website visitors. When users spend more time interacting with your content, it signifies a deeper level of interest, trust, and connection they have with your brand.

A longer average engagement time indicates that your website successfully provides valuable, relevant, and captivating information to your audience. It reflects the effectiveness of your content strategy, design, and overall user experience.‍

By extending your average engagement time, you're making a positive impression on your visitors and sending strong signals to search engines like Google. Improved engagement metrics can positively impact your website's search rankings, making your content more visible and accessible to a broader audience.‍

Furthermore, when engagement time increases, it indicates that visitors find your website authoritative, trustworthy, and valuable. This boosts your brand's credibility, enhances your online reputation, and fosters customer loyalty.‍


Add More Countries and Cities

Having a diverse range of countries and cities in your Google Analytics website traffic reports contributes to an enhanced image for your business. It showcases your brand's global reach and appeal, demonstrating that your content resonates with a broad audience across different regions and cultures.

Such diversity signifies that your website has successfully captured the attention and interest of individuals from various countries and cities. It highlights the universal appeal of your content, products, or services, indicating that you have created something truly remarkable that interests people on an international level.

Website traffic reports with many countries and cities demonstrate your brand's ability to connect with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and languages. This inclusivity fosters a positive reputation and creates a welcoming and inclusive environment for all users, enhancing your brand's image and attracting a wider audience.


Target Pages That Don't Receive Traffic

It is highly recommended to drive traffic to as many website pages as possible, especially those with low traffic volume, as this strategy can yield numerous positive outcomes and contribute to the overall success of your website.

Directing traffic to as many website pages as possible increases the visibility and exposure of your entire website. Every page represents an opportunity to showcase your brand, products, or services. By driving traffic to a diverse array of pages, you expand your reach and ensure that your entire website receives the attention it deserves.

Sending traffic to low-traffic pages helps to increase their exposure and improve their search engine rankings. Search engines like Google consider various factors when determining the relevance and authority of a webpage. By driving traffic to these pages, you signal to search engines that they contain valuable content, leading to better indexing and improved organic search visibility. This increased visibility can attract more organic traffic, helping these pages gain momentum and relevance over time.

Focusing on low-traffic pages demonstrates a commitment to providing a holistic and comprehensive user experience. It showcases your dedication to delivering value across all website areas rather than solely focusing on high-traffic pages.

Generate SEO Clicks for Search Keywords

Rank Higher in Google

Improve SEO positions in Google and other Search Engines with our Organic Search Console clicks. Real people from different countries do these clicks.

The auto click and traffic generator is a marketplace for click tasks where clickers can fetch orders from the pool. The clicker then has to locate your website in the Google Top 100 using your keyword and click on your website..

As a result, your website's Organic CTR (Click-Through Rate) improves, and your website will be ranked higher for that keyword. Buying clicks and traffic always provides a positive Return On Investment (ROI). This is because your website ranks higher in Google and gets larger volumes of Organic traffic.

Learn More on the Search Console Traffic page.

Safety & Guarantee

The Most Advanced Website Traffic Generator

Multiple Website Traffic

Website traffic sources refer to the various methods or channels through which visitors can come to a website. Common sources of traffic include search engines, social media, referrals, direct visits, and paid advertising.

The World's best website traffic generator

No card is required, and the traffic will appear in your Google Analytics in less than 20 minutes.

Note* Wait 10-20 minutes and check your Google Analytics. You should witness a spike of new traffic.

Website Traffic Pricing Plans

Buy Website Traffic at the market's lowest prices per visit. The prices are shown per website. If you have multiple websites, please purchase a plan for each. We provide discounts of up to 40% depending on the number of plans you would like to purchase.

Page views
price meter
Upto 1000 page view
$ 550.96
All the features available with the perfect big traffic volume
Not happy during the first 7 days? We refund the payment!
What's included?
  • Up to 1 000 000 page views every month
  • 11 pages per visit
  • Up to 5 minutes per page
  • Night and Day traffic volume change
  • Day of Week traffic volume change
  • Connect your RSS or Sitemap
  • Countries Geo-Targeting
  • Cities Geo-Targeting
  • seo icon Organic Website Traffic
  • social icon Social Website Traffic
  • pc icon Referral Website Traffic
  • arrow icon Direct Website Traffic
  • url icon UTM campaigns
  • bitly icon Shorteners like,
  • earth-globe icon Countries Geo-Targeting
  • ip icon Unique residential IP addresses
  • chronometer icon Random session time
  • stopwatch icon Up to 5 minutes visit on every page
  • user icon Bounce Rate Control
  • server icon Minimize server load and bandwidth with out cache

Frequently Asked Questions
Got Any Questions?

  • What is your refund policy for traffic?

    First 7 days after the payment: Unconditional full refund After 7 days: Full refund for unused credits.

  • Is the traffic real?

    It is automated traffic. We use real web browsers with automation to create it, which means the traffic looks like real human traffic but it doesn't make purchases. We guarantee that you will see all of the traffic we send to your website in your Google Analytics dashboard.

  • How much traffic will I get per day?

    You will receive one 30th of your monthly traffic volume on a daily basis. For example, if you purchase an Ultimate plan with a monthly volume of one million hits (Page views) and 333,333 visits, you will receive up to 33,333 hits and 11,111 visits from us every day.

  • Why can I not use my website for a free project?

    In Demo and Nano projects, you can only use domains that are not in our database yet. We do not accept shorteners, redirects, or affiliate links. To use these URLs, please upgrade to a paid plan.

  • Will the traffic help me with SEO, ranking, etc.?

    We have different kinds of traffic. If your goal is to improve your Google positions, we recommend you use our Search Console Traffic. This will ensure that you see all of the traffic in your Google Search Console alongside your target keywords.

  • Do you accept Adult websites?

    Your Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors who looked at only one page of your site before closing their browser or navigating away from your URL. Keep in mind that a higher Bounce rate will decrease the traffic that you receive because we have to close the browser very quickly to avoid creating additional page views for a visit.

  • Can I pay with Crypto?

    Yes, we do accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrency payments. You can see the various payment options we offer when you make a purchase.

  • This website has already been used for Demo traffic

    We allow just one Demo project per website. And we check the 2nd level domain. So if this domain has already been used for a Demo, we show this error. Contact our customer service for exceptions. We are always pleased to grant one.

  • didn't get a single visitor. What's going on?

    Please get in touch with our customer service. We will check all the settings of your project and find a solution. There's always a chat online in the bottom right corner.

  • I've made a deposit but do not see the activation run

    Check that you have created a project. We cannot know where to send the traffic if no project was created.

  • What are your services for?

    Most of our clients use our services to improve their website traffic metrics. We can fix your bounce rate, return rate, and session time. We can also help increase your traffic volume, organic, and social traffic, as well as improve almost every other aspect of your website traffic.

  • Do you have free plans?

    We have free time-limited trial accounts for testing purposes and free Nano projects.

    ‍If you have already registered, you have a complimentary Demo credit on your account that you can use to create a 1-hour limited Demo project.

  • Is the traffic Adsense(and any other Pay Per Click affiliate programs) safe?

    Yes, it is absolutely safe for PPC ads. We avoid clicking on ads and, therefore, you won't violate any of the rules set out by these programs and providers. In the case of Adsense, we don't even load the ads, so by default, you won't see any impressions.

  • Do you accept shorteners, redirects, and affiliate links?

    No, we cannot guarantee any results unless you use traditional websites with Google Analytics installed.

  • What Bounce rate does your traffic have?

    You can tell us to use any Bounce Rate you need, from 0% to 100%. You can change this parameter on your project's settings page.

  • What is the best Bounce Rate for my website?

    There's no right or wrong answer to this question. The average bounce rate is between 30% and 70%. We recommend analyzing your competitors’ website to better understand what is normal for your industry. For example, let's imagine your website is, therefore, your top competitor would be Head over to and type in the search bar. Here, you’ll see that has a Bounce Rate of 43%. We would, therefore, recommend using this value for your test.

  • Do you work with YouTube?

    We are sorry but we do not work with any video platforms at this current moment.

  • How can I earn money with you on my website?

    That's a tricky question we would rather not answer because we cannot take responsibility for any earning guarantees. We do not work with ads, affiliate links, or videos. There are many ways of using our website traffic, but we cannot provide any advice on earnings.

  • I need payment options for Paypal

    We accept Paypal payments with Bluesnap. Choose the Visa/Mastercard payment option on the payment page and click on the Bluesnap button. There will be a Paypal option.

  • My project shows a Google Analytics error

    Make sure that Google Analytics is installed on your website, and then put your Google Analytics ID on your project page, Traffic Counters tab. If something else is needed - get in touch with our customer service.