Buy Website Traffic: Services, Pricing, and Benefits

⚡️Buy Website Traffic

Competitive Edge: Greater traffic can give you an edge over your competitors because it can make your website appear more popular and credible to visitors.

Better metrics and data:The more visits your website has, the better your traffic metrics look. Improve your Bounce and Return rates, Engagement, and Session times with Real Web Traffic!

Google Ads Safe
Guaranteed Results in Google Analytics
Natural Looking Traffic
Money-Back Guarantee
Up to 10 million page views per day
6 000 page views per month, for FREE
24/7 Customer Support
200+ Countries

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is website traffic?

    Website traffic refers to the number of visitors or users that visit a website. It is a metric that measures the amount of activity on a website and can be tracked using various analytics tools. Website traffic can be organic (visitors who find the website through search engine results), direct (visitors who type the website URL directly into their browser), or referral (visitors who come from other websites through links). It is an important metric for website owners as it helps them understand the popularity and performance of their website.

  • What Bounce Rate is best for me?

    Buying website traffic can potentially help your business in several ways:

    1.Increased visibility and brand awareness:Buying website visits can drive more visitors to your website, improving your brand's image. This can particularly benefit new businesses or those looking to expand their reach.

    2.Improved search engine ranking:A higher website traffic volume may positively impact your search engine ranking. Search engines like Google consider website traffic as a factor in determining the relevance and popularity of a website. Improved ranking can lead to organic traffic growth as well.

    3.Increased credibility and trust:A website with a high number of visitors can create a perception of credibility and trustworthiness. When potential customers see that your website has significant traffic, they may be more inclined to trust your brand and engage with your products or services.

  • What kind of website traffic can I purchase?

    There are various types of website traffic that you can purchase, depending on your goals and target audience. Some common types of website traffic that can be purchased include:

    1.Organic traffic:This traffic is generated from search engine results when users find your website through relevant search queries. With organic traffic, you can purchase services that improve your organic search rankings and visibility.

    2.Social media traffic:This involves purchasing traffic from social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Advertising on these platforms allows you to target specific demographics, interests, or behaviors to drive traffic to your website.

    3.Referral traffic:Referral traffic is generated when visitors click links from other websites and are directed to your website. You can purchase referral traffic from advertisement networks or website directories to increase your website's visibility and reach.

    4.Mobile traffic:Mobile traffic is generated from mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. With the growing popularity of mobile browsing, purchasing mobile traffic can help you reach and engage with users on mobile platforms.It is crucial to consider your target audience, marketing goals, and budget when deciding what type of website traffic to purchase. Also, choose reputable traffic providers to ensure quality traffic and avoid unethical practices.

  • How can I check the results?

    Utilize web analytics tools like Google Analytics, which provide comprehensive data on your website traffic. You can track metrics such as the number of visitors, their geographical location, referral sources, time spent on your site, bounce rates, and conversion rates. These insights help you evaluate the effectiveness of your purchased traffic and make informed decisions.

Choose The Best Website Traffic Type

Website traffic type refers to the different categories of visitors who come to a website. These categories can be based on the traffic source, the visitors' behavior, location, and the device used. Here are some key types of website traffic we offer:

Organic Traffic

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic refers to visitors that land on your website as a result of unpaid (organic) search results. They find your website after typing a query into a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and then clicking on your website's link in the search results.

from $9.9

Targeted Traffic

Targeted Traffic

Targeted traffic refers to visitors who arrive at a website based on specific geo-targeting parameters set by the project settings, including countries and cities.

from $9.9

Social Traffic

Social Traffic

Social traffic refers to visitors who come to a website from social media platforms. This could be the result of clicking on a link within a post, profile, tweet, or even an advertisement on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and more.

from $9.9

How to Grow Traffic to Your Website

Impressive website traffic metrics mean your website resonates It's always exciting to see your website traffic growing. Real Web Traffic's original traffic-enhancing software allows web admins to grow website traffic organically.


📈 Improve Website Traffic

Improving website traffic is a challenging task. Luckily, Real Web traffic tool is the market's most powerful and easy-to-use website traffic provider. In just a few minutes, you will see your website traffic metrics improved.

🔝Boost Website Traffic Metrics

It is always better to have a lower bounce rate, a competitive return rate, a high time on page, and many URLs visited on your website. Boosting website traffic also means boosting website traffic metrics. Improve them all together with Real Web Traffic!

Purchase Website Traffic

Real Web Traffic provides the lowest prices for search traffic. Purchasing web traffic has never been that cheap. The Website traffic price list starts as lost as $9.9 per month before applying our promos and discounts, making it the most affordable price.


💰 Buy Cheap Website Traffic

The cheapest way to drive traffic to a website is by buying it in bulk. Our official website traffic prices go down to just a fraction of a cent per page view, making Real Web Traffic the cheapest website to buy web traffic.

👍 Best Web Traffic

Real Web Traffic provides the lowest prices for search traffic. Purchasing web traffic has never been that cheap. The Website traffic price list starts as lost as $9.9 per month before applying our promos and discounts, making it the most affordable price.


💡Premium Real Human Web Traffic

When you purchase our Premium website visits, then all the traffic we provide comes from real humans with unique IP addresses. It is an excellent option for buying real quality converting website traffic.

📊 Guaranteed Website Traffic

When buying traffic for your website, we guarantee you will see all the purchased traffic in your Google Analytics, the market's most popular and trusted website traffic counter.

💁 Website Traffic Unique Visits

Subscribe to monthly targeted visitors and get thousands of visits per day. Depending on your project's settings, Real Web Traffic can make each visit to your website a unique one.

Safety & Guarantee

The Most Advanced Website Traffic Generator

Multiple Website Traffic

Website traffic sources refer to the various methods or channels through which visitors can come to a website. Common sources of traffic include search engines, social media, referrals, direct visits, and paid advertising.

The World's best website traffic generator

No card is required, and the traffic will appear in your Google Analytics in less than 20 minutes.

Note* Wait 10-20 minutes and check your Google Analytics. You should witness a spike of new traffic.

Website Traffic Pricing Plans

Buy Website Traffic at the market's lowest prices per visit. The prices are shown per website. If you have multiple websites, please purchase a plan for each. We provide discounts of up to 40% depending on the number of plans you would like to purchase.

Page views
price meter
Upto 1000 page view
$ 550.96
All the features available with the perfect big traffic volume
Not happy during the first 7 days? We refund the payment!
What's included?
  • Up to 1 000 000 page views every month
  • 11 pages per visit
  • Up to 5 minutes per page
  • Night and Day traffic volume change
  • Day of Week traffic volume change
  • Connect your RSS or Sitemap
  • Countries Geo-Targeting
  • Cities Geo-Targeting
  • seo icon Organic Website Traffic
  • social icon Social Website Traffic
  • pc icon Referral Website Traffic
  • arrow icon Direct Website Traffic
  • url icon UTM campaigns
  • bitly icon Shorteners like,
  • earth-globe icon Countries Geo-Targeting
  • ip icon Unique residential IP addresses
  • chronometer icon Random session time
  • stopwatch icon Up to 5 minutes visit on every page
  • user icon Bounce Rate Control
  • server icon Minimize server load and bandwidth with out cache

Frequently Asked Questions
Got Any Questions?

  • Can I split the purchased traffic among multiple websites?

    Yes, Real Web Traffic allows you to split the purchased traffic across multiple websites. This can be beneficial if you have multiple online properties and want to distribute the traffic accordingly.

  • Can I change the targeting options after purchasing traffic?

    You can modify your targeting options even after purchasing traffic. However, it's advisable to contact customer support for specific information regarding any limitations or restrictions.

  • Are there any guarantees or refunds if I'm not satisfied with the traffic?

    Real Web Traffic may offer guarantees or refunds under certain circumstances. It is recommended to contact customer support for detailed information about the case.

  • Are there any limitations on the amount of traffic I can purchase?

    We generally provide options for purchasing different volumes of traffic based on your needs. However, there may be certain limitations or recommendations based on factors such as server capacity, website performance, or traffic distribution.

  • What does buying traffic mean?

    Buying traffic simply means - buying visits to a specific website. This is done through sponsored links, pay-per-click advertising and other online ad networks in order to increase the amount of visitors coming to the site. It’s a form of internet marketing that targets potential customers by targeting them with relevant ads based on their interests or behaviour online.

  • Will the traffic from Real Web Traffic interact with my website
    such as clicking on links or making purchases?

    While Real Web Traffic visitors are real people, their level of engagement and interaction with your website will vary. Some visitors may click on links, but it is important to note that high levels of engagement cannot be guaranteed, such as making purchases.

  • What payment methods does Real Web Traffic accept?

    Real Web Traffic accepts various payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal, Crypto, Bank Transfer and other popular online payment gateways.

  • Is buying website traffic from Real Web Traffic suitable for all types of websites?

    Real Web Traffic caters to a wide range of websites, including blogs, e-commerce sites, informational sites, and more. However, it is important to assess your website's specific needs and goals to determine if buying traffic aligns with your overall marketing strategy.

  • Can you guarantee an increase in sales or conversions?

    While Real Web Traffic can help increase website traffic, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes such as sales or conversions. The effectiveness of the traffic will depend on various factors, including your website's content, user experience, and the appeal of your offers.

How To Buy Website Traffic in 2024?

Step 1: Targeting Web Traffic

The first step is to define your target audience and, most importantly, its geo-location. Think about what you hope to achieve with the additional traffic and visualize who your ideal visitor would be. It includes in what countries and cities your target audience might be, the keywords they may use to search for your business in organic traffic, the social media pages they may use for social traffic, and how many of them will come from a direct traffic source. This information will help you select the right source and type of traffic that aligns with your objectives. It's also essential to set a budget for your campaign.

Step 2: Budgeting Traffic Purchase

The budget for buying website traffic can vary greatly depending on your objectives and the targeting you choose. A monthly budget of $100 - $1000 can be a good start for small businesses starting out. Generally speaking, the better the quality of website traffic you are looking for, the higher the price. Targeting particular cities may increase the cost, enriching the traffic with special events, and additional features contribute to the price tag. However, measuring the results and gradually increasing the budget is beneficial. Increase your budget if your buying traffic leads to higher engagement, better traffic reports, and better search engine positions.

Step 3: Buying and setting up a Traffic Project

The most convenient way to buy website traffic is to set up a monthly recurring subscription. That way, you can be sure that the traffic will never stop coming, and you can revise the monthly website traffic reports to decide if you need any increase in traffic volumes. Real Web Traffic is the leading website traffic supplier with one of the most convenient member areas in the market. We have spent thousands of hours with UX professionals to save every minute possible of your time spent managing website traffic projects. Start with buying website traffic credits. The credits can then be used to create and renew traffic projects. The credit system provides flexibility in managing projects and security so that your traffic will flow without interruptions.

Track Website Traffic with Google Analytics

📉 Google Analytics Website Traffic

We guarantee that all the purchased website traffic will be entirely trackable in Google Analytics, the most popular and trusted website traffic counter. Track the traffic in real-time statistics reports, and check traffic sources for any specific page. Choose from Organic, Social, Referral, and Direct traffic sources for your bought web traffic

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